Quantum Computing and Information

Note: This Summer School programme is fully booked.

The development of Information and Communications Technologies based on Quantum Physics will dramatically change several key domains for the Economy of the future:

  • some very slow computations when solved by classical computers will be dramatically speed up by new quantum computers,
  • much more precise simulations of very physical complex systems will be enabled by quantum simulators,
  • increased sensitivity of metrology systems will be attained by quantum sensors, and,
  • Internet communications will be more secured by the application and deployment of new quantum cryptography systems.

These new Quantum-based systems will not replace Classical Information and Communications ones, but will be run in conjunction with them by enhancing them where Classical ones present critical weaknesses, as impossibilities of simulating some biochemistry systems in the pharmaceutical systems, achieving nano-scale sense of physical magnitudes, solving some hard computing problems, or warranting secure communications that cannot be never deciphered by third parties.

Main Topics

Thanks to this summer school, participants will gradually deep dive in the quantum-related topics. The school will mix practical works and student group-working with classes from quantum experts. It will start from basic quantum information and computing to progressively move towards applied topics. A particular attention will then be addressed to the entrepreneurship in quantum, presenting current trends, supports, and possible warning points.

  • Short course on fundamental concepts of quantum physics accessible to non-quantum specialists.
  • Introduction to key quantum algorithms and quantum coding platforms.
  • Discussion of quantum computing benefits and their impact on widely deployed algorithms used for key establishment and digital signatures.
  • Quantum cryptography as well as post-quantum cryptography.
  • Quantum networks and cloud.
  • Innovation & business challenges specifically raised by quantum computing technologies.
  • Juridical impact of Quantum information.

The summer school will include lectures, practical work, and excursions. Practical works will be conducted in small groups of students relying on the usage of some Virtual Machines offering quantum computing capabilities, in different service providers’ clouds (e.g., IBM Qiskit). Part of the activities will be the participation of the students in mini projects in order to better understand some advanced topics. At the end of the summer school, the participants will also be requested to participate in a pitch competition.


Intended Audience

The Summer School is open to young professionals, as well as Bachelor, Master or Ph.D. students, who want to deep-dive in emerging digital technologies and learn how to turn these technologies into business. This will enable them to become non-expert still informed designers and developers in the field of Quantum Computing and Quantum Information Sciences, having ability of talking and understanding the quantum language. This will enable them to contribute as innovators in start-ups or larger companies. To be able to follow the lectures, participants must have a scientific background (mathematics, physics, computer science).


Université Côte d’Azur. This is one of the top 10 research-intensive universities in France. 

The Summer School takes place at the headquarters of University Côte d'Azur, Campus Valrose, in Nice city center.

The school location can be easily reached within 10 minutes from Nice main square via bus and tramway lines and it is at 15 minutes by foot from the sea and the beaches. Nice is the most important town of the French Riviera and it is a worldwide recognized touristic destination. You will enjoy Nice city with its great variety of cultural, sports, and social activities, such as jazz festivals, pyrotechnic art festival, perfumery tours in Grasse, museums, sailing, diving in the Mediterranean Sea, hiking in the Alps, Principality of Monaco, all the French Riviera cultural heritage. Two social events are planned.


All applicants are welcome to contact master-eitdigital@univ-cotedazur.fr in order to get assistance for booking accommodation at a reasonable price.

Accommodation can be provided by the following hotels:

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Co-Funded by the European Union