Cyber Security - Agile Methodology for Developing New Solutions

The purpose of the summer school is to deepen the participants' knowledge and skills in defence (Cyber) and 5G by using Agile (Scrum framework) methodology. Lectures held by the leading specialists will be combined with practical assignments and company visits.

Seminar: Presentation from the Info Seminar on May 27

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Welcome to a thrilling week of exploration in the world of Cyber Security, set against the backdrop of Riga's vibrant culture and Liepaja's innovative spirit. Our Summer School is meticulously planned to not only offer you an academic deep dive but also immerse you in real-world industry scenarios, providing a unique blend of learning and practical engagement.

Kick-off in Riga

Your journey begins on the 7th of July with a warm welcome to the historic city of Riga. The evening is reserved for a welcome event where you'll have the opportunity to mingle with fellow participants, setting the stage for a week of collaboration and discovery.

Day 1: Cyber Security & Industry Dynamics

The first official day opens with an insightful lecture on the significance of defence in our daily lives, delivered by experts from the Ministry of Defense at Riga Technical University. The afternoon is packed with industry meetings where you'll engage with cybersecurity and 5G experts, delving into topics like Social Engineering, Cybersecurity Risk, IoT, 5G, and Civil Cyber Defense. The day concludes with a journey to Liepaja, transitioning to a more relaxed setting with networking and social activities.

Day 2: Design Thinking in Cyber Security

In Liepaja, you'll explore the intersection of Cybersecurity with public security and defence in the morning session. Post-lunch, a hands-on Design Thinking and Lean UX workshop await you, guiding you through ideation and concept development. It's an opportunity to initiate group projects under the mentorship of industry facilitators, followed by an evening of networking.

Day 3: Agile Methodologies Unfold

The following day is dedicated to Agile methodologies. Starting with an introduction to Scrum and its potential adaptations, you'll spend the afternoon applying these concepts to your group projects, with the assistance of our dedicated facilitators and mentors.

Day 4: Demonstrating Innovations

Your projects reach a crescendo on the fourth day as you finalize them in the morning session. The afternoon is the moment to shine with Demo Day, where you'll present your solutions to a panel of experts. After receiving valuable feedback, you'll head back to Riga, reflecting on the experiences gathered.

Day 5: Cyber Defence and Civil Perspectives

Back in Riga, you will delve into defence from a civil perspective, engaging with specialists from RTU and the Ministry of Defense. The afternoon is reserved for final group work and feedback sessions, culminating in closing remarks that mark the end of an enriching academic journey.

Farewell and Future Journeys

As participants prepare for departure on the 13th of July, the air is filled with a mix of satisfaction and anticipation – satisfaction from the knowledge and friendships gained, and anticipation for future endeavours inspired by a week of immersive learning.

This Summer School promises to be an adventure where education meets aspiration, all within a transformative week that you will remember for years to come.


Intended Audience

The summer school is targeted to the senior bachelors, master students and all the persons interested in deepening their knowledge and skills on cyber-security issues and Agile principles (Scrum framework). The participants should be ready to deal with cases related to the IT industry.


The programme will be organised in two cities – Riga and Liepaja, thus allowing the participants to better understand the topic and to visit companies dealing with cyber-security aspects.

The first and final days of the summer school will be organised in Riga in order to allow the students to meet industry professionals and also experience the capital of Latvia. Riga's old town has been a designated UNESCO World Heritage Site since 1997, while the Central market is officially Europe's largest market.

Liepaja has been chosen as a strategic point for learning defence issues since there are many IT companies and civil defence specialists available. Liepaja is a state city in western Latvia, located on the coast of the Baltic Sea. It is the third-largest city in the country. It is an important ice-free port. With a population of approximately 70 thousand inhabitants, it is a town with compact infrastructure, involving many companies, a concert hall, a theater and a walking distance from the city centre to the sea.

Riga Technical University, 6 Azenes street,

Liva Hotel, 11 Liela Street,


The participants will be offered several accommodation places in Riga according to their choice:

  • Islande Hotel
  • RTU Campus Hotel

And in Liepaja:

  • Liva Hotel
  • Amrita Hotel

The accommodation places will be in a walking distance from the places to be visited.

Riga (RTU Kipsala Campus Dormitory, Azenes street 6) one person per day:

  • EUR 22.5 double room in 3 rooms’ apartment
  • EUR 35 single room in 3 rooms’ apartment
  • EUR 27.5 double room in Studio
  • EUR 45 single room in Studio

Liepaja (Liva Hotel) one person per day:

  • EUR 15  triple room
  • EUR 20 double room
  • EUR 31 single room
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Co-Funded by the European Union